2007년 10월 8일 월요일

Reading Reaction Journal #4


Graham, J. (2007, September 24). Apple: ‘Unlocking’ software damages iPhone. USA Today. Retrieved on September 25, 2007 from http://www.usatoday.com/tech/wireless/phones/2007-09-24-apple-iphone_N.htm?loc=interstitialskipReference


According to this article Apple announced a consumer warning: “Buy an “unlocked” iPhone at your own peril”. In the USA, most cellphones are sold “locked”, which means a phone is used by one carrier that supplied it, AT&T. But some early consumers of iPhone have complained about AT&T’s data network’s unstable cell coverage. After the iPhone’s launch, a cottage industry sprang up for webpage servicing software to “unlock” the device from AT&T, in which means that it can be used freely on other carriers. On Monday, Apple announced an official announcement that using software to unlock an iPhone or buying an unlocked iPhone – “will cause irreparable damage.” In the past, Apple has distributed simple software to prevent people from hacking into its devices and Phil Schiller, who Apple Senior Vice President, says that they tested iPhone and found out this unlocking software everlastingly damages the software. Some sites sell the unlocked iPhone a little expensively and other sites sell software for around $70. The iPhone has been sold at more than 1 million units. Steve Jobs, CEO of Apple, projected first-year sales of 10 million, and earlier this month, he cut down the price of iPhone from $599 to $399 in an effort to increase holiday sales.


In South Korea, there is a same situation like this, RAZR that is Motorola’s popular cellular phone, is sold exclusively by SK Telecom. So if I want to use RAZR, I should admit that company. I think exclusive marketing is not good because there is no competition, if there is no competition in marketing, there are no development.

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